Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Food Favorites Princes William and Harry Small

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Darren McGrady, former chef to Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana revealed little secrets about favorite foods of the royal family, especially the favorite foods of Prince William and Prince Harry small.

McGrady spent 11 years in the kitchen at Buckingham Palace. After Charles and Diana separated in 1992, he moved to Kensington Palace to be a chef Princess of Wales or Princess Diana and her two children for four years.

As children are very young, McGrady remember when Prince William and Prince Harry will visit their grandmother at Buckingham Palace. Children are served the same menu with the nobles adult, but distinguished in the form of small or porridge.

William and Harry grow up with eating habits that are not entirely up to them. Caregivers they who decide what children will eat.

Chef's palace (or if in Buckingham, queen employs 20 people) will send a list of recommendations to the menu, where the nanny will make the choice, and then the waiter will bring the prepared food to children.

"Wherever children are, whether in Buckingham or Kensington, William and Harry eat traditional English food," said McGrady.

Some of Prince William's favorite menu is meat pie with ground beef, potatoes, and cheese on top (beef, potatoes, and cheese on it), chicken stew, and rice - fish cakes. "All children will have a normal British favorites menu. The only difference is having a special chef to cook for them."

One of their favorite sweets are jam roly-poly, jelly cake is rolled and then baked. They also liked the summer pudding, which is made of many fruits, are also favorite menu Kate Middleton today.

Although accustomed to eating traditional English food, kids successor to the British empire that also like the food of the people. McGrady remember when William wrote a note demand their pizza for dinner. But it was later decided by the caregiver, who prefer the grilled chicken instead of pizza.


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