Monday 16 November 2015

how to do a good sports

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Sports are good and true that exercise is done regularly and measurable. Do exercise at least 30 minutes per day with a good and right for the benefit of health and fitness. As an example:
• Get off the bus early to the workplace roughly spend 20 minutes walk and when he returned to stop at a stop which spends roughly 10-minute walk to the house.
• Clean the house for 10 minutes, twice a day plus 10 minutes of cycling.
• Dancing for 30 minutes. Do it gradually until it reaches 30 minutes. If not used can be started with a few minutes each day and increased gradually.
• Exercise is recommended at least 30 minutes, longer would be better.
• Exercise can be done anywhere, but still with attention to the environment that is safe and comfortable, pollution-free, do not cause injury, for example: in homes, schools, workplaces, and public places (sports facilities, fields, parks, recreation areas) ,
• Choose a sport that is popular, safe, easy, and inexpensive.
• Do gradually starting from a 5-10 minute warm up, followed by a minimum of 20 minutes of core exercises and ends with cooling for 5-10 minutes.

1. Exercise Time Sports

Exercise should be done in the open air and pollution-free, or if not, do it in an enclosed space that the room temperature can be set.

Do it every afternoon at least 30 minutes. According to the investigation in Framingham USA, the UK, Belgium, National University of Singapore and in Japan that many frequent heart attacks occur between the hours of 6:00 to 12:00 noon.

Several factors Yag be the cause of which is the hormone adrenalin circardian widely circulating in the body in the morning starting at 04:00 to 9:00. Also the activity fibrinolitic ie substances from the body's own blood thinners in the morning so that the decreased activity relative blood would be more viscous in the morning.

According to recent reports Dr. Peter Kokkinos of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center and published in the medical journal Circulation, January 22, 2008, at 15 660 men veterans who suffer or do not suffer from cardiovascular disease, after performing a treadmill test, showed that exercise fitness can reduce the rate of risk of death (mortality) to 70%.

Protection against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, memory loss, colon cancer, fractures, and depression in men exercising.

2. Preparation Before Sports

Choose activities that you like. Do yoga, running, bicycling, or another sport, doing something you like will help us keep up the program. Do not let it become a habit. Change your activities if necessary to keep motivated.
• We recommend that before exercise carried out a preliminary examination to determine a safe dose and type of sport that matches the test load, especially when there are complaints such as dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain. Such as coronary heart disease, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Aged over 30 years.
• We recommend using clothing and sports shoes suitable and comfortable.
• Do not do the sport after a full meal, you should wait for approximately 2 hours.
• Drink beverages cool and slightly sweet (sweet guava).
• Exercise can begin at a young age to old age.
• Can be done anywhere, with due regard to a safe and comfortable environment, free of pollution, caused no injuries. For example: in the yard, the workplace, and the field.
• Exercise should be done in varied, changing its kind that is not monotonous and boring.
• Frequency of exercise done regularly 3-5 times per week.

3. On When Doing Sports
• Keep in mind, do not exercise until fatigue and a gradual return to activity. Usually, starting with low-impact aerobics several times a week. Aerobic exercise is the type of high-impact such as tennis, for example, should be done gradually.
• If difficult to exercise outdoors, consider gymnastics through the videos that are sold.
• The intensity of the exercise, to increase endurance should reach 70-85% maximum heart rate (DNM). DNM is the maximum heart rate is calculated by:
DNM = 220 - Age
To burn fat with a lighter intensity is 60-70% DNM.

For example: A person at the age of 40 years will have DNM = 220-40 = 180. To burn fat the person must exercise with pulse reached: 60% x 180 = 108 s / d 70% x 180 = 126.
Time. His best start, plus slowly. To increase endurance (endurance) should be between 1 / 2-1 hours, to burn fat takes longer (over an hour).

4. Things to Consider When Exercising
• Do not just eat well after exercise, eat soft foods or liquids like pureed green beans. Wait about an hour before the big meal. Proper nutrition is also important. With increased activity, we may need more calories to avoid losing weight.
• Drink in moderation when sweating and do not shower immediately. Drinking enough liquids is very important when you exercise. Additional water can help replace lost fluids. Remember that drinking tea, coffee, colas, chocolate, or alcohol can actually make you lose body liquid.
• Replace sportswear that is used when it is too wet.

5. Things are not recommended in Exercising
• If fever or pain.
• For sports streets if there varicose veins in the legs and pain in the joints, especially the knees.
• Diseases:
• High blood pressure is not controlled.
• Diabetes is not controlled.
• Abnormalities of the heart valves.
• We can become dehydrated (lose too much fluid) if we do not drink enough to withstand the level of body fluids.
• We can lose lean body mass (lean body mass) when we are too many sports. Severe cases can lead to wasting.
• We can hurt ourselves if we use the wrong form of exercise.

Mengingkat to a schedule of at least 20 minutes at least three times a week. This schedule can lead to a significant improvement in physical health, and we are likely to feel better.

6. Reason Reluctant Exercising

If you're not used to exercising, start it might be something serious. However, once you are no longer looking for a reason to postpone the exercise, you will definitely feel the benefits of exercise.

Here, 7 reasons people avoid exercise and tips to cope:
1. Too old. Not an excuse, anyway you can find a place or a fitness club that is open classes according to your age.
2. Too fat. Needless to awkward or embarrassed. Generally, people are embarrassed to start the exercise, whereas others just appreciate you as an individual that is committed to maintaining a healthy body. Moreover, if you are already overweight, in fact it should be diligent exercise. The slightest physical activity will definitely help you lose weight.
3. Too weak. Instead of regular physical activity will give you extra strength and energy.
4. Too tired. Regular physical activity will actually give you extra energy. By exercising the muscles, heart, lungs and blood vessels, then you will get extra energy to cope with stress and workload you face everyday.
5. Often sick. You should not exercise if conditions are unhealthy body. However, once you feel healthier, start exercising because it will help you maintain body condition. Start slowly and do it consistently.
6. No time. It does not take hours to feel the benefits of exercise. The important thing is regular and sufficient portions, such as walking for 30 minutes every day. Small changes in your routine activities, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator or park a vehicle a little away from the office or supermarket, can also provide benefits to your health, as well as the benefits derived from sport.
7. Do not get excited. Sports proven to increase and sustain the mood. Well, if you managed to get rid of the barriers that impede you to begin exercising, you will feel more optimistic and happy. The best way to restore the body to its original shape course with exercise. Not only helps restore muscle flexibility and eliminate fat deposits, but also very good to deal with stress. Consult with your doctor when to start exercising


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