Friday 20 November 2015

how to stop diarrhea naturally

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Many people with diarrhea, but many do not know what the best diarrhea medicine can cope with these complaints. Many who have tried diarrhea drugs are widely available in pharmacies or drugstores, but the diarrhea does not go away and still cause suffering
What diarrhea medications are proven effective? is there a natural medicine?
As we know that diarrhea occurs when the digestive system does not function properly, thus making a person more frequent bowel movements than usual (more than 3 times a day) with watery stools or watery. Diarrhea can be accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and may lead to complications such as dehydration. To be able to know that diarrhea medication is right for you then know in advance what the cause of diarrhea, because there are many causes, each of which can be different way of handling.
The main cause of diarrhea is viral infection, bacterial infection, consumption of contaminated food and beverages, stress or anxiety, food intolerance, and intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Furthermore, please Read Cause Diarrhea.
Diarrhea medicine Traditional Proven It works

Yoghurt is widely available in the market, but many who do not know that this food can be healthy digestion and even become a natural diarrhea medication, it is because yogurt contains good bacteria (probiotics), especially the live bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium.

Thus, bacteria in yagurt will help restore the 'good' bacteria in the gut and destroy bacteria 'bad' cause diarrhea. In a study in 2009 published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that probiotics can help reduce diarrhea caused by antibiotic use. In addition, yogurt can also be used to treat diarrhea caused by bacterial infection.
Using two small cups or yogurt packs a day already can relieve diarrhea complaints that you are experiencing. It could also be coupled with eating a banana for better results.

This herbal plant is commonly used to treat the kinds of disease, including to treat diarrhea. Ginger is used in the treatment of food poisoning and can also help get rid of cramps and abdominal pain.
In order to treat diarrhea, you can use this ginger in the following manner:
 Provide a small piece of ginger clean then grate. Then add a teaspoon of honey. Then can be directly consumed. Avoid drinking water immediately after eating.
 You can also drink ginger tea two to three times a day to cure diarrhea. Prepare some medium-size pieces of ginger, sliced ​​with a size according to taste and then boil with enough water to boiling, strain, wait until lukewarm and add honey before drinking. If you do not have fresh ginger, it can use ginger powder might have in your kitchen.

Apple Cider Vinegar (Apple Vinegar)
Other natural diarrhea drugs are easy to get that apple cider vinegar. In apple vinegar contained a substance that is effective against the bacteria that cause diarrhea. Use by adding one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink solution once or twice a day until the diarrhea subsides. Other benefits of apple cider vinegar
When a person is experiencing diarrhea patients doctors always recommend to eat ripe bananas, the goal for diarrhea recover quickly. How come? because bananas contain a high pectin.

Pectin is a soluble fiber helps solidify the stool so that it can reduce diarrhea. In addition, bananas are also rich in potassium, an electrolyte that supports a number of important functions in the body, including the digestive system.

Black Seed Oil
Black cumin or Black Seed is widely used to treat various health problems such as gas, colic, asthma, constipation and diarrhea. To treat diarrhea, we use black seed oil in the following way:
 Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil in a cup of yogurt.
 Eat this mixture twice a day until the diarrhea symptoms completely disappear.

White rice
This is actually not a drug category diarrhea, but more appropriately incorporated into food groups consumed for patients with diarrhea. White rice is one of the foods consumed during diarrhea because it is easily digested. In addition, it can help reduce the number of watery stools in a way memambah solid volume in Tinjan.

Carrot Soup
Carrot soup is a healthy food that is believed to have an effect antidyspeptic. Carrot soup is very good for children recovering from diarrhea because it provides essential nutrients lost during diarrhea.
To be able to use the carrot as a natural diarrhea medication, do the following ways:
 Prepare wortwl 500 grams, washed, peeled, cut into pieces according to taste.
 Cook carrots as usual ie with menambhakn one-half cup of boiled water kemudain about 15 minutes.
 Add a little salt to taste.
 Eat This carrot soup every day while fresh for a few days when you are suffering from diarrhea.
Many drink
One complication or impact hazard caused by diarrhea is dehydration or loss of large sebgaian body fluids, either through diarrhea or vomiting. Therefore this lost fluid must be replaced by drinking more.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, but do not just drink water, because water alone can not replace lost lektrolit. Therefore coconut drink well water, broth, vegetable soup, apple juice, and ORS if available. You can also drink a sports drink that does not contain caffeine.
Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Also avoid acidic beverages such as juice and orange juice and tomato sauce that tasted spicy dishes or other spicy foods.
Traditional Herbs For Diarrhea Other
Indonesia is very rich in flora and fauna including medicinal plants. The following is a list bererapa naman diarrhea tardisional medicinal plants which is said to cure diarrhea, but need further investigation.
 Guava leaves
 Leaves White Wood
 Cinnamon Powder Skin
 Leaf Spoon
 Plant Earrings
 Leaves Prasman
 professor Turmeric rhizome
 Leaves Bixa Orellana
 Leaves Komfrey
 The root of Lime
 Plant Jengger Chicken
 Root Spinach Duri
 Seeds Fruit Makasar
 Plant Kasingat
 Key Rhizome Pepet
 Interest Knop
 and others
How to Overcome Completed Diarrhea in Infants with Safe
Traditional medicine or natural diarrhea that we collect in this article may have different effects on different people depending on the intensity and causes of diarrhea experienced. If the diarrhea symptoms do not improve within three to four days, or you're dehydrated, so we encourage you to immediately see a doctor to get appropriate treatment.


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