Monday 16 November 2015

natural ways to eliminate dandruff

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Dandruff or in medical language known as sika pityriasis (dandruff) suffered by residents of Indonesia tropical, high temperatures and moist air. This disease usually affects people with oily skin. Occurs more frequently in males and 30-40 years of age.
Dandruff is an excessive growth of the scalp without inflammation. Common symptoms of dandruff is the presence of white scales on the scalp, itching, and can also be accompanied by hair loss. Symptoms of disorders that arise can vary between individuals.
Dandruff is often a problem because they interfere with a person's appearance as a result of dirty hair. Dandruff can be compounded by the growth of microorganisms microorganisms in excessive hair. Pityrosporum ovale, including the class of fungi, is actually the normal flora in the hair. But various conditions such as temperature, humidity, high oil content, and decreased immunity (resistance) of the body can trigger excessive growth of this fungus.
Actually dandruff is caused by certain factors that increase skin oil and increases the normal flora in the skin, such as:
* Certain Ras possess oily skin
* Genetic
* Diets high fat foods
* Climate and weather stimulates the skin's oil glands activity
* Psychological stress causes increased activity of the gland
* Certain age who causes the oil glands to produce maximum
* Certain drugs cause the stimulation of oil glands
* Hygiene (health / hygiene) bad skin
* Chronic systemic disease
* Drugs lowering skin resistance and body
Symptoms of dandruff that often arises is itching of the scalp during the day, especially when hot and sweaty. Due to scratching were done at the head of the release of epidermal keratin layer which is then attached to the hair shaft or falls into clothes, often also arise injury to the skin causing a secondary infection by other microbes.
In addition to scratching because of itching can also cause hair loss, especially in the vertex (top of head). The principle of treating dandruff are generally intended to lower the oil surface of the scalp or the amount of sebum secretion, decrease the number of microbes that cause dandruff, reduces the symptoms of itching and hair loss. The third goal that can be achieved with appropriate treatment of the scalp (adekwat) and drug therapy.

There are some quick ways to overcome dandruff can be done:
1. Find out the cause of dandruff: if you're stressed, or may not fit with shampoo / hair cosmetics? Also drink alcohol, cigarettes, coffee can lead to dandruff. Take a break and start healthy habits. In addition if you are being treated? If so, perhaps that is the originator of dandruff.
2. The anti-dandruff shampoo sold in the market is the first therapy and is good enough to cope with simple dandruff. But keep in mind to look for the type of shampoo that fits your hair, because there are people that do not match the type (brand) specific shampoo but it fits with the others.
There are various anti-dandruff shampoo that can be selected:
* Shampoo sulfur: release the horny layer of the skin and reduce the formation of fat in the scalp.
* Shampoo ter: reduce the formation of fatty skin and suppress the formation and release of the skin (epidermal turnover).
* Shampoo Zinc-pyrithion (PGR): compounds that are widely used in anti-dandruff shampoo sold freely with anti-fungus properties suppress the growth of P. ovale.
* Shampoo Selenium: suppress the formation and release of the skin. Its use is smeared into the scalp after wetted, let stand for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. Usage 2 times a week, be reduced if the dandruff has begun to diminish.
* Medicated Shampoo: antiseptics and mixtures containing one of the above materials.
* If dandruff is still stubborn, may be given an antifungal preparations such as ketoconazole 1-2%. To gift consult your physician first. Its use is 2 times a week, on another day could use regular shampoo. It should be noted for the first silenced in the head for several minutes before rinsing.
3. For this type of severe dandruff, can be used selenium, zinc or salicylic acid which has proven quite successful. Anti-fungal shampoos like ketokonzole can also be used to overcome difficult dandruff disappear. Its use usually takes a long time (almost 6 weeks). All of these drugs are available in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor.
4. If the above treatment is not successful and have resulted in the scalp becomes red, inflamed, and pain, the extra help is needed. This treatment is usually performed by a dermatologist. Treatment is usually given corticosteroids, oral Ketoconazole, estrogen, vitamin B, riboflavin, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. If not managed well, can be used antimalarial. To overcome secondary infections often requires antibiotics. And the necessary psychological disorders sedative.
5. To prevent dandruff is not coming back, hair health need to be maintained properly. In addition to the regular diet, sufficient rest and recreation, as well as reducing smoking and alcohol can help prevent dandruff. In the treatment, need to be considered to make a good shampooing. That is by massaging the scalp (not scratch) using antidandruff shampoo (combined with a shampoo that has been commonly used).


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