Friday 20 November 2015

how to overcome gray hair at young age

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White hair that adorn the head synonymous with old age. There is also linking with tact. But if hela-strands of gray that come faster, often confuse. People too busy covering it by all means. Why grow prematurely gray hair?

And the consort of King Louis XVI of France, Marie Antoinette, known as the queen of the young, beautiful and glamorous. Beauty and glory vanish as the outbreak of the French Revolution. Broke down the revolution makes a charming blonde hair became prematurely white at a relatively young age. Since 1789 the political chaos that the queen is rumored to stress constantly sampal menjemputuva death four years later. Stress is one of the factors causing graying prematurely.
According to Dr. Wirda A. Rush, dermatologist and sex, RS Partners Jatinegara Family stress can cause a breakdown of the production of hair coloring pigment called melanin. This pigment is produced by the body cells known as melanocytes. Hair becomes white because the melanocytes no longer produce melanin
Less B12
Pigment production breakdown due to stress is temporary. When the body is not experiencing stress, pigment production returned to normal.
"It is therefore time to adjust the balance of work, rest and recreation. Thus, the stress can be overcome by good and prematurely gray hair can be prevented," advises Dr. Wirda.
Consumption of foods containing vitamin B12 will also inhibit the growth of gray hair. According to Diana Bihova. MD, of New York University Medical Center, excessive stress can deplete reserves of vitamin B12.
Tumbuhnva accelerate the depletion of this vitamin white hair. The state of poor nutrition due to food intake are less balanced also mempengaruhm hair health. Poor nutrition not only cause gray hair, but also disrupt the general health condition of the hair. That is why children who experience severe malnutrition, looks reddish hair and unhealthy.
Wirda doctor added, consumption of adequate nutrition can not be beneficial in case of indigestion. For example there are injuries in the stomach. Indigestion making takes place undue metabolism, so that nutritious food is wasted.

Heredity Factors
In addition to both of the above, heredity is the cause of gray hair at a young age are the most common.
Information about the white hair that grows earlier is stored in the genes. This means that if the parents and close relatives to gray at a young age, it is likely to be more rapidly graying.
"People who get severe disease disorders have a tendency to gray prematurely." he said. Disorders due to metabolic disorders, immune disorders, hormonal disorders, X-rays, heavy metal poisoning, and kidney disorders contribute to increasing the number of gray hairs on the head.
Metabolic disorders caused phenyl analin contained in the amino acid is not metabolized properly, causing gray hair. On the occurrence of gray interference immunity disorders like vitiligo.
Vitiligo, the illness of Michael Jackson, is the emergence of white patches on the skin due to destruction of pigment. Pigment cells destroyed by cells of the immune system so that the loss of color.
Unhealthy lifestyles also have contributed accelerate the growth of gray hair. Doctors Wirda assess smoking habits impede the flow of nutrients needed by the body which is carried in the bloodstream. "Smoking not only causes hair prematurely gray, and overall adverse health," he said.
Kidney Performance
Decreased production of pigments causing graying hair is normal when entering the age of late 30s or early 40s.
According to the acupuncturist and herbalist Putu Oka Sukanta, overgrown with gray hair men started at the age of 40. While the woman's hair was graying at the mid-30s.
Acupuncture in terms of growth of gray hair at a young age shows the performance of the kidneys and lungs are functioning less than optimally. "The function of the kidneys and other organs in men and middle-aged women are no longer optimal, so that the growth of gray hair on their head is fair," said Putu Oka.
According to external factors also accelerate the growth of gray hair at a young age. The external factor is the use of hair oil, hair dye, certain types of foods and pollution.
The use of oils and hair dye is not just about the hair but seep into the pores of the scalp. "The chemicals contained in hair dye affects the oil and hair health," said Putu Oka.
He did not suggest to pluck gray hairs because he thought the scalp is full of nervous system. Choosing a hair dye must also be careful because of the suitability of the scalp everyone with different hair dye. He suggested some natural ways to cope with the growing prematurely gray hair, with olahnapas, meditation, exercise and acupressure.
In terms of food he recommends to consume nutritious food sources strengthens the kidneys and lungs. The use of natural hair oils made from sesame oil, hazelnut, or cem-ceman mangkokan leaves and the leaves and flowers are also very good shoes to slow graying.
"The oil is applied to the scalp. This anointing is accompanied scalp massage that can actually facilitate the chi energy in the head," he added.
Not to forget Putu Oka also suggest the use of shampoo that contains natural ingredients and does not contain too much soda. During this time people consider a good shampoo is that a lot of foam. Though a lot of foam means a lot of soda and it is not healthy for the hair.

Food suggested:
• Carrot juice and tomato
• Carrot juice and spinach plus sesame
• melon juice and various fruits that contain vitamin C
• Leaves pantago (ki vein)
• The leaves of Centella asiatica

Food was avoided:
• Green beans
• Bean sprouts
• Lettuce
• Sawi-sawian
• Soursop
• Duku
• Aloe vera
• Coconut milk
• Foods containing preservatives, dyes, sugar, and chemicals.


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