Monday 16 November 2015

how to overcome anemia with green bean

Posted by Blogger Name. Category:

         "Beware of anemia, lack of blood", so common warning sound when viewing a person looks pale and weak. To overcome this it can by using groceries around us. Did, many patients with anemia here? Of course. In fact, not Just in Indonesia, but also in the world.

Try pause of activity at this time, remember, if you later feel quickly tired and weak. Otherwise, please continue working. Conversely, if so, you may suffer from anemia, you may rest for a moment to think about handling. Do not underestimate this situation, because the situation can be penyebaba serious problem.

In developing countries like our country there are several factors that can cause anemia, such as malaria, hookworm infection, and malnutrition. Anemia can also occur due to blood loss during surgery, disease, diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, HIV / AIDS, or chemotherapy.

Anemia arise as a result of the decline in the number of red blood cells is below normal. Specifically can be caused by deficiency of iron (Fe), folic acid, and / or vitamin B12, iron itself is an essential component of hemoglobin, which is a very important role as a major carrier of oxygen throughout the body, then the decline in blood hemoglobin will cause the body must work more hard to get oxygen.

That's what causes the body feels weak and tired. Other symptoms of anemia such as reduced appetite, dizzy eyes, and often numb hands when standing after squatting.

Global data shows that about 20% of the world population, or about 1.5 billion people suffer from anemia due to iron deficiency. From the results of the Household Health Survey (Survey) in 1995, 50.9% of a group of pregnant women suffer from anemia .. at different age groups of people with anemia that number ranges from 40-50%.

Looking for the cause
To handle the anemia should first be found specific cause. Improve the nutritional intake is a major way because the body has little iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid in our body system. The use of vitamins containing iron is recommended under medical supervision, because the consumption of iron in large amounts can cause side effects that it will damage the body.

If the anemia is caused by blood loss, such as bleeding, so handling the administration of hemoglobin. As for treating anemia associated with cancer, kidney, hepatitis or HIV / AIDS, then the provision of erythropoletin, which is a synthetic compound of a natural hormone that can stimulate the production of blood cells. Blood transfusion is done if the red blood cell count is below the tolerance limit.

In the daily diet.
Vukup Fe content can actually be found in many everyday foods. Some foods that contain Fe in high levels of more than 5 mg / 100g - including the heart, liver, egg yolks, yeast, shellfish, nuts, and some fruits, examples of the fruit is a guava, because it contains vitamin B1, vitamin C and iron.

In addition to the daily diet, there beberpa 0bat plants that can be used to treat anemia. The plants that contain vitamin B12, such as corn, sunflower, soybeans, and peanuts.
From the legacy of our ancestors had some plants used empirically for treating anemia. The plant is spinach and liman, lempuyang fragrant, long bean leaves, and green beans. Besides being easily obtained, the processing of these materials is quite simple.

Raise hemoglobin and erythrocytes
Spinach spines (Amaranthus spinosus L.) is a plant herb a year old. Often found growing wild. This plant spiny-trunked. The leaves are ovate elongated dengna tapered tip and base and arranged to spread around the rod.

In many thorns spinach contains iron, phosphate salts, vitamins A, C, and K. other content, amarantin, potassium nitrate, and pyridoxine.
For use in overcoming cell anemia is needed as much as half the spinach leaves thorns. Rinse, then finely milled. Next add half a cup of boiled water. After siperas and filtered only to take water, add a chicken egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey. Stir the mixture until blended. These ingredients for a drink, twice a day.

In the study conducted using male rabbits were made anemic, giving thorn spinach herb infusion for 16 consecutive days to raise the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and hemoglobin concentration every four days during the trial period.

Liman (Elephantopus scaber) can also be selected to treat anemia. He includes shrub season. Single leaves are elliptic with rounded edges and jagged edges. Its surface is coarse and hairy. The leaves have a length of 15-25 cm and a width of 5-7 cm. This plant among others contains saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols.

As a medicinal plant liman can be used completely. The trick took three rods, washed, then boiled denganair clean drinking three cups of water until the water roughly three-quarters live. After chilling filtered, then add honey to taste. Even this herb for a drink. In a day is recommended to drink twice.

If want to use the root, then the amount that is used as much as a quarter of the handheld. Rinse, then finely minced, squeeze, mixed with a tablespoon of pure honey and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Finally squeeze and strain. This herb for a drink and a day should drink twice.

Results of research establishes iron content in the roots and dauntanaman liman Edi Juniarianto showed levels of iron in the root of 45.4 mg% and 30.2% in the leaves.

The other option, Lempuyang fragrance (Zingiber aromaticum). Although it is often planted in the garden as a medicinal plant, fragrant lempuyang often found growing wild in the forests of teak. These plants are not wet trunked woody. Height can be up to 1.80 m. long leaves, flowers ears, sitting in the armpit bract. Nutritious plant parts are the rhizome.

To treat anemia required as many as three-quarters of a finger rhizome of Zingiber fragrant. After being washed and cut as necessary, dengna boiled water as much as 4.5 cups of drinking to stay roughly in half. When cold can be filtered and add honey as needed. This herb also for a drink, done twice a day.

Results of the study in rabbits made Pudjiastuti anemia showed no elevated levels of hemoglobin and the number entrosit after rabbits were given infusions rhizome lempuyang fragrance for 16 days.

Engulfed and boiled.
Other materials that can be used to treat anemia is long bean leaves (Vignasinensis). The trunk climbing by way of twisting on the jib and can reach a height of up to 4 m. including the types of compound leaves.
To expel suffering anemia, needed half a handful of leaves of beans, in the wash and then in asapkan briefly. Do not need to be processed of all sorts, as an ointment eaten enough at meal time, should be consumed twice a day.

Which includes easy in may of course mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.). This kekacangan plants including wet trunked shrub with upright branches. Pinnate leaves are triangular shaped. While the butterfly-shaped flowers and colored kunng greenish or pale yellow. Of flowers that formed leguminous containing 10-15 green beans.

To cure the anemia is needed as much as one cup of green beans. After being washed. Dengann Mix two cups water, boil until the remaining three quarters. Stew that has become lukewarm was ready to drink. Stew for a drink, twice a day, green peas contain vitamin B !, B2 and niacin.

Now please move. Once done, immediately hunt for the ingredients above. Clear up any suffering from anemia. After all, the materials are relatively easy to obtain.


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