Saturday 21 November 2015

prevention and treatment hypertension

Posted by Blogger Name. Category:

Because rarely have obvious symptoms, hypertension or high blood pressure is known as the "silent killer". The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to measure your blood pressure.
If you have not checked out and do not know your blood pressure, ask your doctor to check it. All adults should check their blood pressure at least every five years.

Suffering Hypertension Risk
Cause of hypertension is still unclear on more than 90% of cases, when you get older, the chances of suffering from high blood pressure will increase. Is not clear, but your risk increases if you:
 Aged over 65 years
 Eat plenty of salt
 Overweight
 Have a family with high blood pressure
 Lack of eating fruit and vegetables
 Lack of exercise
 Drinking too much coffee (or other drinks containing caffeine)
 Too much consuming liquor

The risk of hypertension can be reduced by changing things up with a healthier lifestyle. In addition, regular blood pressure checks also can help diagnosis at an early stage. The earlier a diagnosis of hypertension is known, the greater the possibility to lower blood pressure to normal levels by changing into a healthier lifestyle, without the need to take medication.

Measuring blood pressure
Pressing force of blood in the artery walls (large blood vessels) when pumped around the body by the heart determines the size of the blood pressure. The pressure that is too high will overload your arteries and heart. This will make people with hypertension had a heart attack, stroke or kidney disease.
Measurement of blood pressure in a dose per millimeter of mercury (mmHg) and recorded in two numbers:
 The systolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart beats to pump blood out
 The diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart I paused for a moment between two heartbeats
Normal blood pressure is below 130/80. If your blood pressure is 145 per 95 or 145 / 95mmHG, meaning you 145mmHg systolic pressure and diastolic pressure you 95mmHg. You are told to have high blood pressure (medically known as hypertension) if the results of several examinations Keep your blood pressure reaches 145 / 95mmHg or higher.

Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension
If your blood pressure is high, then heed tight until I can go down and controlled properly. Doctors usually recommend a change in lifestyle, it is included in the treatment for hypertension. You can do the following to prevent high blood pressure:
 Eating healthy food
 Reduce salt intake and caffeine
 Stop smoking
 Exercise regularly
 Lose weight, if necessary
 Reduce alcohol consumption

It's never too early to start preventing hypertension because prevention is always easier and cheaper than treatment. If left in place too long, hypertension can lead to complications of other diseases.


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